Error #1. User authentication failed: PayPal – S2Member and PayPal Pro
If you’re getting this error when using S2Member to create a member profile, and credit cards seem to work fine but not PayPal, read on: You need to login to…
If you’re getting this error when using S2Member to create a member profile, and credit cards seem to work fine but not PayPal, read on: You need to login to…
1. SSH into the system. 2. Then change to Superuser using the “su” command. 3. Then change directory like so: cd /var/log/httpd/ 4. Now use this syntax at the command…
<?php var_dump(class_exists(“SOAPClient”)); ?> If you’re having problems with an application on your web hosting service where SOAP seems to be unavailable, you can check to make sure using the script…
Just add this code to your theme’s functions.php file: add_action( ‘wp_before_admin_bar_render’, function() { global $wp_admin_bar; $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu(‘wp-logo’); }, 7 );
The answer is no. If you have a small site and it has hyperlinks to all pages, a sitemap is not of any use. Google will index all pages on your…
When moving a WordPress website or just about any website that uses MySQL as its database, you need to pay attention to the character set used for Collation in the…
Click: File > Import Video Frames to Layer Then type *.* into the filename dialog to see all files. Now find and click on the animated GIF. You will now…
“Cannot modify header information – headers already sent” warnings are typically due to extra spaces before opening PHP tags and after closing PHP tags. Try the following to resolve these…
Increasing the PHP environment memory and file upload limits on virtual hosting account is a common question. This is especially true when your working on a WordPress site and the file…
If you get a white background with your Windows XP active desktop and an error about running scripts when you try to recover the active desktop do this: 1. Click…
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